Joe's Character
“Joe Biden is as good a man as God ever created.”
— Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
It's never been more important to have a moral, Christian man at the helm of our nation—to reach across party lines and unite the nation.
Joe Biden is humble and kind.
“Joe Biden is a person of humility and empathy and character. I think he’s demonstrated that through his life. And I think we need humility and empathy everywhere in public life right now. And I think character counts.”
— Carly Fiorina, Former Republican presidential candidate

Joe Biden tells the truth.
“Joe Biden's unique trait as a politician is—and always has been—his honesty. Sometimes that honesty gets him into varying degrees of trouble. Sometimes it makes it seem as though he's the closest thing to a real person you could possibly hope for in politics.”
—Reporter Chris Cillizza

Love of Country
Joe Biden is a patriot.
“I respect this man as much as anyone who I’ve ever known because I don’t know anyone more dedicated to serving his country.”
—John McCain, Former U.S. Senator and Republican Presidential Nominee

Joe Biden has compassion for the vulnerable, made deep by personal experience.
" He understands more than most our grief over his death. We see in Joe so much of what made Matt’s life special. Commitment to equality. Passion for social justice. And compassion for others.”
— Judy and Dennis Shepard, parents of Matthew Shepard (beaten to death for being gay)

Joe Biden does what he says. His word is his bond.
“Obviously I don’t always agree with him, but I do trust him, implicitly. He doesn’t break his word.”
— Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader (R-KY)